Optical Modeling and Simulation


Optical modeling is the core competency at DG Optics. Knowing the fundamentals of optics and using the appropriate software as a tool, DG Optics will design, analyze and engineer an optical design solution.

The optical model consists of many levels of simulating performance and will answer the basic question: "Am I violating physics?" Traditionally,the modeling has centered around imaging systems using a mostly geometrical optics approach developed for lens design. Today, optical systems have expanded beyond the strictly imaging systems and so have the available modeling tools. The analysis of these systems is more complex and a multitude of models may need to be used in order to fully characterize the system. It is more important now than ever, for the designer to understand the underlying principles in order to arrive at a solution, as opposed to pushing a button and getting an answer.

The optical designer must be able to assess the requirements, develop specifications, and choose a starting point from which to begin the optical design process. An experienced designer will develop an individualized merit function that will optimize the optical design to customer's needs.This unique solution needs to meet specs, cost, and time constraints. DG Optics has the experience and proven track record in navigating this path successfully.

of Modeling

A well developed optical model has many uses.

First, the model is the basis of the lens design which results in a prescription, detailing each and every component, its specifications, spacings, and tolerances. It is a recipe.

Once developed, it is a plaftorm to perform what-if's. This can be much more cost effective than in-the-lab experimentation and allows for cleaner debugging and parsing out of confounding factors.

It is the tool used to predict and analyze the performance of the system. It serves as the ideal standard to which the product must be built.

If "anchored", the model can also be used as a production tool to improve yield and meet even tighter specifications. A well developed, anchored optical model, serves as a virtual testbed to try out new configurations, components, or push for changing specifications. It can be used as a tool to cost reductions. It saves money in the prototyping phase and can be used to reduce costs in the continuous improvement cycle

To "anchor"refers to matching the conceptual to real world data. A good model will accurately predict actual performance. DG optics considers this the final step to optimization, resulting in a comprehensive optical model. This is the result that sets DG Optics above the rest. With this model, DG optics can predict performance of the optical system in the real world of changing conditions, flexible requirements, evolving customer expectations, and varying applications.  

DG Optics experience in releasing product in various industries, means designs are completed with manufacturing, production, systems integration, and field service in mind. Development of a comprehensive optical model with simulation results anchored to real world data is a central pillar to our approach. It means designing with the purpose to deliver a working optical system that meets customer expectations. DG Optics unique approach to optical design results in successful product introductions. From concept to product release, DG optical services can help you achieve success.